Monday, April 8, 2013

Catholic Apps

Hey ya'll! Today I am here to talk to ya'll about using today's technology for good. I hear a lot of people say "It is so hard to remember to pray" and "I don't have time for praying, praying the Rosary and going to mass". Those are the worst excuses in the world and if you really loved God then you would make time for him. I also hear a lot of people say "I don't know what to pray for..." or "I don't know how to pray." Well I recently just discovered a few apps on my phone that will help with all of these "excuses".
The first app I discovered is called Laudate. Pictured above is what the app looks like on your phone. It is 100% free and is absolutely wonderful. There are many languages you can set it to like English, Spanish, Latin, and many more. This app has multiple things: Daily readings, Saint of the Day, Liturgy of the Hours, Prayer for Religious Freedom, Roman Missal Changes, The Order of Mass, Rosary and Chaplet, Confession, Stations of the Cross, Prayers, Latin Prayers, Catechism, Catholic Media, New-American Bible and more. You can take your phone to mass, and turn it on silent of course, and use this app to read along instead of using the missalette. You can pray the Rosary on the phone and it even shows you the prayers if you don't know them all! This app features NUMEROUS amounts of prayers like morning prayers, evening prayers, daily examination of conscience, Intercessory prayers, and SO much more. ***This app is available on apple products and android phones.***
Pictured above is an app for android phones called Daily Bible. What I love about this app is that every morning I wake up to a notification from this app telling me about the daily bible verse. Each day it gives you a new bible verse for the day and a "DailyPlan" that has a bunch of excerpts from the Bible. It also has daily devotions that you can listen to. 
The next app is called Word on Fire which is free for apple products. This app features daily blogs, articles, commentaries and more from Fr. Robert Baron from Chicago who is the creator and host of the documentary series Catholicism. 

EWTN Radio and TV Live also has a free app for android or apple products to enjoy the live streams of many of their TV and Radio hosting. This app includes, Journey Home video on demand, Life on the Rock, Rosary with Mother and Nuns, Chaplet of Diving Mercy, Open Line and Register Radio.

There are many more apps like these to listen to Scripture, prayers to pray, Rosary guides and more. Now NOBODY has an excuse like the ones i said before. Just remember that you don't have these apps to show to people and be like "oh yeah, I'm Christian, I pray to God, and I go to church". Those are all good things to say to people but the point of getting these apps is to get closer to God if you don't have any other opportunities to learn about God or you just don't want a bunch of books about praying lying around your house taking up room. This is just a great way to connect with technology in a good way and use the freedom that God gave you for good. Have a great day, Katie. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


        Hey ya'll! My name is Katie and I am 15 years old. I am starting this blog to share with teens my age, younger or older, about God and the amazing wonders he does for us. I was so blessed to be born into a Catholic family and have really devoted parents. I have gone to mass every Sunday ever since I was born but it wasn't always fun for me. When I was little, I used to hate going to Mass and having to wake up early. I tried everything in the book to get out of going to church but I couldn't get out of it.
      Now, I have also gone to Catholic school my entire life and I am so fortunate because the tuition can get pretty expensive. Everyday we would have Theology class where we learned about God and Catholicism. I am in the 9th grade right now so I just started going to high school and the Theology classes now are more intense and detailed, which I love. I also used to not like going to Theology classes because I thought it was so boring and useless. Ever since I started high school back in May, I have grown to love going to mass and having Theology classes every day. Little did I know that there was so much more than just faith and church alone.
     Today, I came home from my first Catholic retreat and I fell in love. It was so emotional, happy, eye opening, and much more. It started on Friday at 5PM and lasted until 10PM. I was really unsure about going to this retreat and I really was just going to see if I could meet some cute guys because my friend, who went with me, told me there would be some there. Friday night we prayed the rosary, had mass, heard some testimonies from the Franciscan Friars and then had adoration which was BEAUTIFUL! We also learned a ton of songs lol! I came home that night feeling amazed at how much fun I had singing and learning about God. On Saturday, it was from 8AM to 10PM. We heard more testimonies and stories from other people and some of them even brought me to tears. I didn't realize how much I didn't know and how I doubted my faith. Through this entire retreat I learned SO much and now I will hopefully never doubt my faith or God again.
       Today, Sunday, when the retreat ended at 12, one of the last things Fr. Anthony said was to go out and teach other people about what I learned and about God and so on. So I thought to myself, what better way to spread God's word than start a blog. And so here I am, writing my first blog post hoping people read it. I know I am only 15 years old and haven't learned everything yet, but I hope that people will read this blog and learn with me as I learn new stuff each and everyday. So I leave you here with something I picked up from the retreat this weekend. God does not love all of us. He loves each and every ONE of us. He doesn't love us as a group but each one of us.
       "For the Sn of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke 19:10